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Chemical Kinetics : Rate of Reaction, Rate Law Expression, Rate Constant, Order of Reaction, Molecularity, Half-Life, Arhenius Eqn, Collision Theory

Rate of Reaction

Change in concentration (reactant or product) per unit time.

Rate=Change in concentrationTime taken

Rate of appearance or disappearance of substance


Rate of A (rA)=dAdt

Rate of B (rB)=dBdt

Rate of C (rC)=+dCdt

But, Rate of A ≠ Rate of B ≠ Rate of C ≠ Rate of Reaction

rA2=rB=rC3 Rate of rxn.(dRdt)=rA2=rB=rC3

Factors Affecting Rate of Reaction

Rate depends upon experimental conditions such as concentration of reactants (partial pressure in case of gases), temperature and catalyst.

Rate Law Expression

Concentration Dependence of Rate of Reaction

Representation of rate of reaction in terms of molar concentration of the reactants.

aA+bBcC+dD Rate[A]x[B]y Rate=K[A]x[B]y

Where x and y may or may not be equal to stoichiometric coefficients (a and b).

Example :

ExperimentInitial [A] mol L-1Initial [B] mol L-1Initial rate of
formation of AB mol L-1 s-1

Rate law expression for this reaction

In the above reaction exponent of the concentration terms are same as their stoichiometric coefficients.

Some other examples :

ReactionExperimental rate expressionCHCl3+Cl2CCl4+HClRate=K[CHCl3][Cl2]12CH3COOC2H5+H2OCH3COOH+C2H5OHRate=K[CH3COOC2H5]1[H2O]0

In these reactions, the exponent of concentration terms are not same as their stoichiometric coefficients. Thus,

Ratr law cannot be predicted just by looking at the balanced chemical equation, but must be determined experimentally.

Order of Reaction

Order : Sum of the powers of the concentration terms of the reactants in the rate law expression.

aA+bBcC+dD Rate=K[A]x[B]y Order(n)=x+y

x and y indicates the snesitivity of the Rate with change in concentration of A and B.

Units of Rate Constant :

ReactionOrderUnits of rate constant
Zero order0 molL1s×1(molL1)0=molL1s1
First Order1 molL1s×1(molL1)1=s1
Second order2 molL1s×1(molL1)2=mol1Ls1

Molecularity of Reaction

Total Number of reactant species which collide simultaneously in a elementory reaction.

Maximum molecularity = 3, because probability of more than 3 molecules to collide simultaneously in a elementory reaction is very small.

Molecularity cannot be zero, negative, or fractional.

Therefore, a balanced reaction involving more than 3 molecules must take place in more than one step. When a sequance of elementory reactions forms the products, the reaction are called complex reactions.

Overall rate of a complex reaction is controlled by the slowest step, called rate determining step.

Example : Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, catalysed by iodide ion in alkaline medium.

2H2O22H2O+O2 Rate=d[H2O2]dt=K[H2O2][I]

This is a first order reaction with respect to both H2O2 and I-. It take place in two steps:

  1. H2O2+IH2O+IO
  2. H2O2+IOH2O+I+O2

The first step, being slow, is the rate determining step. Thus rate of formation of intermediate (IO-) determine the rate of this reaction.

Zero Order Reaction

Integrated Rate Equation

The rate of the reaction is proportional to zero power of the concentration of reactants.

RP Rate=d[R]dt=K[R]0d[R]dt=Kd[R]=KdtRoRd[R]=0tKdt[R][Ro]=Kt[Ro][R]=KtK=[Ro][R]t K=[Ro][R]t

First Order Reaction

Integrated Rate Equation

The rate of the reaction is proportional to the first power of the concentration of the reactants.

RP Rate=d[R]dt=K[R]1d[R][R]=KdtRoRd[R][R]=0tKdtln[R]ln[Ro]=Ktln[R][Ro]=KtK=1tln[Ro][R] [R]=[Ro]eKt K=1tln[Ro][R] K=1(t2t1)ln[R]1[R]2

nth Order Reaction

Half-Life of a Reaction

The half-life of a reaction is the time in which the concentration of a reactant is reduced to one half of its initial concentration.

Half-life of a zero order reaction


At t=t1/2,[R]=12[Ro]

The rate constant at t1/2 becomes

K=[Ro][Ro2]t1/2 t1/2=[Ro]2K

Half-life of a first order reaction


At t=t1/2,[R]=12[Ro]

K=1t1/2ln[Ro][Ro2]t1/2=1Kln2=1K2.303log2=2.303×0.301K=0.693K t1/2=0.693K

Arrhenius Equation

Temperature Dependence of Rate of Reaction

Temperature dependence of rate of reaction can be accurately explained by Arrhenius equation.


For a chemical reaction with raise in temperature by 10o, the rate constant is nearly doubled.

Potential energy vs Reaction coordinate (NCERT diagram)


Rate constant at temperature T1,


Rate constant at temperature T2,


Subtracting equation (i) from (ii),

lnK2lnK1=EaRT1EaRT2lnK2K1=EaR[1T11T2]2.303logK2K1=EaR[T2T1T1T2]logK2K1=Ea2.303R[T2T1T1T2] logK2K1=Ea2.303R[T2T1T1T2]


Effect of Catalyst on Rate of Reaction

A catalyst is a substance which increases the rate of a reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.

The word catalyst should not be used when the added substance reduces the rate of raction. The substance is then called inhibitor.

Collision Theory of a Chemical Reaction

Reactant molecules are assumed to be hard spheres and reaction is postulated to occur when molecules collide with each other.

A+BProducts Rate=PZABeEaRT