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Electrochemistry : Molar & Equivalent Conductivity, Kohlrausch's law, Galvanic Cell, Electrode Potential, Nerst Equation, Electrolysis, Faraday's Law

Conductivity of Electrolytic Solutions

Resistance (R) : Resistance of a column of eletrolyte solution is proportional to distance between the two electrodes, l, and inversely proportional to its area of corss section A.

R=ρlA ρ = Resistivity
lA = Cell Constant
SI unit = ohm = Ω

Conductance (G) : Conductance measure rate of flow of charge in a metallic wire or electrolytic solution. It is receprocal of resistance.

G=1R=1ρAl=κAl κ = Conductivity
SI unit = ohm1=Ω1=Siemens(S)

Conductivity & Resistivity

Resistivity ρ=RAlSI unit =Ωm

Cell constant lA=κRSI unit =m1

Conductivity κ=1ρ=lRA=Cell constantRSI unit =Sm1

Factors affecting Conductivity

Molar Conductivity

Molar Conductivity = Λm=κC

Here, the units of

But in chemistry, we are generally given with concentration(C) in the units of molL1 so,

Molar Conductivity = Λm=κ1000M , to convert molL1  into molcm3

Molar Conductivity = Λm=κ1000M to convert molL1  into molm3

Equivalent Conductivity

Equivalent Conductivity = Λeq=Λmnfactor

Units = Scm2grameq

Effect of Dilution on Conductivity

(a.) Weak Electrolyte

Kohlraush’s law of independent migration of ions.

αdegree of dissociation=KaC

On dilution:

At infinite dilution:

or very low concentration, α becomes 100% and molar conductivity becomes constant.





(ii.) AxByxA+y+yBx

(Λm)AxBy=x(Λm)A+y+y(Λm)Cx (Λeq)AxBy=(Λeq)A+y+(Λeq)Cx

(b.) Strong Electrolyte


α and Ka in terms of Conductivity


α = degree of dissociation

α=conductivity at finite dilutionconductivity at infinite dilution=(Λmv)(Λm)=(Λeqv)(Λeq)

Ka = dissociation constant


Electrochemical Process

Process : Electrical energy ⇋ Chemical energy

Cell : A device in which the electrochemical process take place.

Types of Cell :

Electrochemical cell
or Galvanic Cell
Electrolytic Cell
Chemical energy to electrical energyElectrical energy to chemical energy
Spontaneous processNon-spontaneous process

Danial Cell

An example of Galvanic cell

Electrochemical cell has mainly two components, electrodes (anode & cathode) + salt bridge.





Anode : ZnZn+2+2eOxidationEZnZn+2o

Cathode : Cu+2+2eCuReductionECu+2Cuo

Salt Bridge

Electrode Potential (E)

Potential difference developed at the interface of electrode and electrolyte.

Oxidation Potential ↑ tendency to get itself oxidised ↑ Reducing power ↑

Reduction Potential ↑ tendency to get itself reduced ↑ Oxidising power ↑

If electrode potential (E) is measured at 298K temperature and 1M concentration of electrolyte, it is said to be as
Standard electrode potential (Eo).

For a particular element

|Oxidation potential| = |Reduction potential|

| Eoop | = | Eorp |


EoCell = (Eoop)anode + (Eorp)cathode

Gibbs Free Energy and Electrode Potential




Example :

Fe+2FeE1o=0.44Fe+3FeE2o=0.036Fe+3Fe+2E3o=? ΔG(Fe+3∣Fe)=ΔG(Fe+3∣Fe+2)+ΔG(Fe+2∣Fe)nFE2o=nFE3o+nFE1onE2o=nE3o+nE1o(3×0.036)=(1×E3o)+(2×0.44)E3o=3×0.036+0.88E3o=+0.771

Nerst Equation

Effect of concentration on electrode potential.


Ecell=EcelloRTnFlnQc  Applicable in all temperature Range

Similar for oxidation and reduction half cell, replace Ecell with Eop or Erp

After putting the values of
R = 8.314 joule mol-1 K-1
F = 96500 Coulomb
ln = 2.303 log
at a temperature T = 298K or 25oC


Example :

Anode half-cell : Zn(s)Zn(aq)+2+2eQc=[Zn+2]


Cathode half-cell : Cu(aq)+2+2eCu(s)Qc=1[Cu+2]


Overall Cell : Zn(s)+Cu(aq)+2 Cu(s)+Zn(aq)+2Qc=[Zn+2][Cu+2]



Ecell=Ecello0.0591nlog[Zn+2][Cu+2]at 298K

Equilibrium Constant and Electrode Potential


at equilibrium Qc = Keq and ΔG = 0, hence Ecell = 0 (∵ ΔG = -nFEcell)

0=EcelloRTnFlnKeq Ecello=RTnFlnKeq


Ecello=0.0591nlogKeq  at 298K

Concentration Cell

A concentration cell is comprised of two half-cells with the same electrodes, but differing in concentrations of electrolyte solution.


A concentration cell dilutes the more concentrated (cathode) solution and concentrate the more dilute (anode) solution, creating a voltage as the cell reaches an equilibrium.

Anode half-cell : ZnZn+2[0.10M]+2e

Cathode half-cell : Zn+2[1.0M]+2eZn

This voltage is achieved by transferring the electrons from the cell with the lower concentration (anode) to the cell with the higher concentration (cathode).

Overall Cell : Zn+2[1.0M]Zn+2[0.10M]Qc=[0.10][1.0]


Eocell of a concentration cell = 0, because the electrodes are identical. At standard condition i.e. 1M concentration and 298K





When the cell reaches to equilibrium condition, concentration of both electrodes becomes equal, and Ecell = 0

Qc=1 Ecell=0.0591nlogQc=0.0591nlog1=0


It is process which uses electrical energy (DC current) to derive non-spontaneous chemical reaction.

This process is used to derive the reaction in opposite direction in a electrochemical cell in order to recharge it after discharging.

It is also used for qualitative and quantative analysis of electrochemical cell reaction.

Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis for quantitative analysis

Faraday’s 1st Law

Mass deposited (m) ∝ Charge (Q)

m = ZQ = ZIt I=QtandZ=MolarmassnF


Faraday’s 2nd Law

Mass deposited (m) ∝ Equivalent mass (E)

Mass deposited(A)Mass deposited(B)=EAEB Equivalentmass=Molarmassn-factor

Examples :

If x Liter of 0.2M CuSO4 is reduced to Cu by a current of 0.965A in 1 hour, then value of x is?

Total charge (Q) = 0.965 x 60 x 60 = 0.965 x 36000 Coulomb

1 Faraday (F) = 96500 Coulomb


Since all the 0.2M CuSO4 has been reduced to Cu solid, so

Initial moles of CuSO4 = Final moles of Cu solid
