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Redox Reactions : Oxidation state, Equivalent weight, n-factor, Gram equivalent, Normality, Balancing of Redox reactions

Increase in Oxidation NumberDecrease in Oxidation Number
Removal of HAddition of H
Addition of ORemoval of O
Gain of e-Loss of e-

Oxidation Number

Hypothetical or real charge on an atom in its combined or free state.

Oxidation number of :

  1. group-I elements in periodic table is +1
    and group-II elements is +2

  2. H = -1 with metals and +1 with non-metals

  3. Oxygen in general = -2
    but can have +2, +1, 0, -1, -2 as well

  4. F = -1 (always)
    Cl, Br, I in general = -1
    but can have +1, +3, +5, +7

  5. Elements in their standard state = 0
    Example : Ca(s), Na(s), I2(s), Br2(l), F2(g)

  6. Ion = charge on ion
    Fe+3 = +3
    O-2 = -2

  7. Alloys O.N = 0
    Sodium amalgam (NaHg)

  8. Oxidation number can not be fractional
    but average oxidation number can be fractional
    Fe3O4 = Fe+2O+Fe2+3O3
    average O.N of Fe3O4 : [3x8=0x=83]


n-factor - Total number of moles of e- gain or loss by oxidation or reduction of 1 mole of a compound.

  1. Atoms = Valancy

  2. Ions = |Charge|

  3. Salts = |Charge on cation/anion|

  4. Acid = Basicity or number of H+ ion donated

  5. Base = Acidity or number of OH- ion donated

  6. Reduction rxn. = dec. in O.N or number of e- gained

  7. Oxidation rxn. = inc. in O.N or number of e- loss

  8. Redox rxn. : 1 atom of a molecule oxidise or reduce
    n-factor ofAxBy=x∣pq∣
    Example - C2+3O4C+4O2
    n-factor ofC2O4=234=2

  9. more than 1 atom of a molecule oxidise or reduce
    n-factor ofAxBy=x∣pq∣+y∣rs∣
    Example - Fe2+1S2+O20Fe2+3O3+S+4O2
    n-factor ofFe2S=213+124=10

  10. Disproportionation rxn. = Same atom of a molecule oxidise and reduce
    n-factor ofAxBy=n×mm+n
    Example - H2O21H2O2+O20
    n-factor ofH2O2=21(2)×2102+2=44=1
    For disproportionation reaction an element must have atleast 3 variable oxidation number.

Equivalent weight

Equivalent weight=Molecular weightn-factor

Number of equivalents (neq)

Number of equivalents neq=WeightEquivalent weight Number of equivalents neq=Number of moles×n-factor


Normality=Number of Gram equivalent neqVolume(in litre) Normality=Molarity×n-factor N1V1=N2V2(Dilution) Nmix=N1V1+N2V2V1+V2(Mixing)

Law of equivalence


In titration : (neq)acid=(neq)base


Example : 2A+3B5C


Balancing of Redox reactions

Q. Balance MnO4+H2SS+Mn+2 in acidic medium.


Decrease in O.N (n-factor) of Mn = 1 x |7 - 2| = 5
Increase in O.N (n-factor) of S = 1 x |-2 - 0| = 2

Q. Balance I2+S2O32I+S4O62 in basic medium.

Decrease in O.N (n-factor) of I = 2 x |0 - (-1)| = 2
Increase in O.N (n-factor) of S = 2 x |2 - 2.5| = 1